Our Story | The Original Vision

Roots + Dream + Philosophy + Spiritual Covering

Dr. William Standish Reed, internationally known surgeon in Tampa, Florida, was a speaking leader at Shrine Mont CFO in 1985.  He challenged the group as follows: "Why don't you people wake up?  God has put you in the most ideal spot on the East Coast for a healing center.  You have spring water the Indians used to use for healing, crisp, clean air, and beauty of surroundings, excellent food, and comfortable quarters.  Orkney Springs is available to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Richmond.  People could come, meet Jesus and be healed!"  Dr. Bill's vision became the vision of our co-founders, Scarlett Makielski and Margery Cook's, dream for the Healing Center.

In 1990, Scarlett Makielski, a tiny blond LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse), said to Margery Cook, "Margery, do you remember what we talked about?"  "Yes indeed," Margery said.  She threw her arms wide open and announced, "I am available!"  

They had many doubts, assured their Lord, through many prayers and tears, that He had selected the wrong ladies for the job. They had not the vaguest idea of how to go about starting what is now The Healing Center.  His answer:  "That's just great. If you thought you could do it, I couldn't use you. You're just what I need. You will have to stay very close to Me." So Scarlett & Margery surrendered, rolled up our sleeves, and went to work.

Our first conference was held in October 1991. Dr. William (Bill) Standish Reed started our first Healing Center conference off with authority and excellence. The pianist, Barbara Crouse of West Virginia Family CFO, had a miraculous healing. Moving her concert harp from place to place had literally torn her body apart, and she suffered great misery and pain. She was healed as she played for our service after Dr. Bill stood behind her, laid hands on her and prayed, anointing her with oil. 

Thus started our first Healing Center conference with great healing and power given through the movement of the Holy Spirit, the blessing of our Father in Heaven, and in praise to Christ Jesus, in the unison of our new community of believers. 

Our Policy

As we have grown through His triumphs and our mistakes (plus our beloved Jesus' teaching), several policies have emerged and are stated in our by-laws: 

(1) Only Jesus Christ, Son of Father God, shall be preached, taught and worshiped here. 

(2) The Holy Spirit has been welcomed within each person, allowing the Spirit to flow freely through each conference and has been given permission to change us or our programs. 

We are not rigid or legalistic, but these two policies are not negotiable.  Father God has blessed these positions.

We have had a double mission from the start (as clearly stated in the by-laws): (a) to heal the sick as Jesus did, using all scriptural means of so doing, and (b) to teach through speaking leaders - the best we can find - and experiential workshops, "how-to's", as led by Jesus and according to the Bible, in the hope that those called to a healing ministry, the medical profession, pastors, Christian educators and laymen would form healing teams in their local churches, thereby alleviating all kinds of suffering and winning souls to Christ.


"To Father God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the precious Holy Spirit be all the glory forever! Amen."
-- Margery Cook, founding board member (May 1st, 1998)

Our Mission

→ To assist and equip those called to a healing ministry in their own communities (physicians, nurses, pastors, Christian educators, laypeople, and people from every generation, ethnic group, and background) to form healing teams in their local churches, thereby alleviating all kinds of suffering through the winning of souls to Christ.

The Healing Center, founded in 1985, is a community of believers whose sole purpose is to usher in healing and wholeness in spirit, soul and body through the power of Holy Spirit. In this Spirit and in community with fellow believers, our desire is to see new freedom and joy found through a relationship with our Father God, given through his Son, Jesus.

Each Autumn, doctors, nurses, Christian educators, pastors, laypeople and people from every generation, young and old, meet in the beautiful Shrine Mont Retreat Center in Orkney Springs, Virginia for a three-day retreat in the 100+ year old hotel, historically a hospital during the Civil War, tucked away in the Shenandoah Valley of the Appalachian mountains. 

During this retreat, we offer teaching through speaking leaders, experiential workshops, and worship times as let by the Holy Spirit according to scripture, for the building up of the body to go out into the world and bring healing to the nations in the name of Jesus, our Savior and King. 

Our hope through these annual conferences is to assist and equip those called to a healing ministry in their own communities (physicians, nurses, pastors, christian educators, laypeople and all others) to form healing teams in their local churches, thereby alleviating all kinds of suffering by the winning of souls to Christ. 


“Why don’t you people wake up? God has put you in the most ideal spot on the east coast for a healing center. You have spring water the Indians used for healing; crisp, clean air, beauty of surroundings, excellent food and comfortable quarters. Orkney Springs is available to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Richmond, and beyond. People could come, meet Jesus and be healed!”

- Founding quote by Dr. William (Bill) Standish Reed (noted surgeon, author and founder of the Christian Medical Foundation.


May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

--- 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NIV)


The redemptive work on the Cross provides healing for the human body, soul, and spirit in answer to believing prayer.Healing is a main aspect of Jesus’ ministry.


Our goal is to reach out to all denominations.The healing message is for everyone.


The Bible was given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is God’s revealed word to humankind.All doctrine, prophecies, words must come in line with Scripture.God created humans male and female.  Any other union is an aberration of the word of God.Life is holy and is not to be terminated by abortion.


Jesus was born of a virginJesus came to save humankind from condemnation of sin by offering His blood asan atonement and making it available to all who exercise faith in Him.Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega.Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father.Jesus is Salvation for the lost.By Jesus’ stripes, we are healed.


There is only one true and living God who has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.Jesus is the Son of God and the only way to the Father.The Holy Spirit’s sanctifying power enables Christians to live a holy life.


The baptism of the Holy Spirit is essential to doing a healing ministry.Healing is a gift of the Holy Spirit.The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a distinct and additional impartation that is subsequent to new birth.  It imparts a spiritual power to believers to be witnesses.

Our Bylaws





1.  To offer salvation, which includes earthly healing as well as eternal, and to honor and glorify God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in all we do.   Jesus instructed us, His faith-filled body on Earth, to preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand and to heal the sick.

2.  To offer to all, traditional, Christ-centered, spiritual healing, based on sound Biblical teaching. To give those in need of healing access to more time, attention and prayer than is afforded at an ordinary healing service in a local church setting.

3.  To offer those who would like to learn more about participating in the ministry of healing in the local church an opportunity for observation, teaching, and apprentice practice of the ministry during sessions of public ministry.  Seminars will teach and show to interested persons how to convey the healing power of Jesus to the sick and despairing in an atmosphere of love, laughter, joy and hope.

4.  The healing of body, soul, and spirit emanates from the love of God through Father and by the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. All honor and glory must go to Him, and not to any individual or method of healing. The Bible teaches that healing occurs only through the Holy Spiritanointing the spirit of the believer (John 6:63); thus the Healing Center does not focus on psychological, mental or psychic healing, but concentrates upon proven traditional, spiritual, Christian healing methods. We do not heal the sick, but the power of the Holy Spirit through us heals them in the same way as God, healing through Jesus, healed them when Jesus walked the earth.

5.  We do not disbelieve in medical or psychiatric methodologies. We do believe that spiritual consideration of the human being must be  restored to the mainstream of the medical and nursing areas of the healing endeavor. We firmly believe and affirm that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit works through physicians, nurses and technicians, and Christian counselors, but He remains the Healer, "for I am the Lord that healeth thee." (Ex 15:26)



All who come to the conferences  for the purpose of being healed or learning about the ministry of Christian healing are considered members.  Although there are registration fees for conferences, no membership dues are charged.   Free-will offering will be received during a conference in addition to the nominal registration fee. 

Those attending a conference will be expected to follow and, if so desiring, participate in the Healing Center program, but not seek to introduce or impose a teaching or methods of their own.



The Healing Center shall be governed by a Board of Directors numbering  8 to 20 persons. Married couples may serve at the same time as individuals.



Board members shall be recommended by and be approved for membership by the existing members of the board.  Board members will be expected to serve for 3-year terms.  Additional three-year terms will be agreed upon by the whole membership.  

All members of the board shall serve at their own expense.  Although the board may, from time to time, approve of other forms of compensation at their discretion (i.e. postage, telecommunications, and other miscellaneous items).



There shall be no fewer than six (6) Board Meetings between each healing conference.   Except for the meeting just prior to a conference, these meetings may be by conference call (or polling the membership in times of urgency).  No business shall be agreed upon by less than a simple majority of the membership.



     Each Board member is asked to remain in touch with the chairman and respond, if possible, to his/her requests for assistance. If a Board member does not communicate in any way or attend conferences for one year, he/she shall be asked whether they desire to reactivate their participation as a member of the Board or to resign.



Officers shall be elected, selected, or approved of by a majority of Board members, and serve so long as they and the board membership so desire, and shall be headed by a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer.  These three officers will serve as an  Executive Committee. 



The chairman shall coordinate all Healing Center matters, presides over meetings and conferences, and is be an ex-officio member of all committees: communicating  with the Board, giving reports,  and information on events, and business pertaining to the Healing Center; striving to build an atmosphere of love, laughter and trust as a circle is drawn that counts everyone "in". The chairman of the Board calls for and presides over all Board Executive and Committee meetings.



The secretary will take minutes of meetings and keep a record of conferences.   These are to be circulated among the Board Members in a timely manner.   Normative duties include the writing of Letters inviting leaders, normal correspondence and notification of meetings (see Article II)  Said “person” could be two persons: one ”recording” and one “corresponding.”



    The treasurer is responsible for handling all monies, depositing them in the Healing Center's bank account. A report will be furnished to the Board of Directors as soon as possible after each conference. The treasurer is also responsible for making the invitation for the free-will offering to the  gathering, collecting it, and putting it into safekeeping.  He/she receives all the necessary fees as the conference begins.  The Treasurer, with the approval of the chairman and secretary, shall be assisted in collecting and counting funds by no less than two members of the Board. 



The Chairman of the Board of Directors, with the approval of the Board, may, from time to time and as needed, appoint persons to serve and to perform various duties.   Two of which shall be:


1.  REGISTRAR - The registrar shall receive all registrations for the conferences and reply promptly to them, enclosing a receipt, a program and a cordial note expressing our joy at having the registrant with us. He/she shall keep records, notes amounts paid, and mail checks to the treasurer for bank deposit. As persons arrive at the conference he/she will greet them, give them their room assignment and a name tag which he/she has prepared in advance.


2.  PRAYER HOST - The prayer host(s) will assign participants to prayer groups and either prepare, or assign to someone else, the task of decorating the prayer room and preparing various trays, napkins, suitable elements for Holy Communion,  and the Service of Blessing on the last day.



These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of members present.



The organization shall not be operated for the personal gain or  profit of any individual or group of individuals. There shall be no distribution of cash by ways of interest, dividends or otherwise to any member of this group. Should there be any excess of funds beyond the actual, and necessary expense of operation during any conference, such shall be held and applied to operating costs  for subsequent operating periods.